After review of the City Ordinance, this violation is complete BS, we have a lawyer and are working the issue with the Department of Plans and Permitting, and Zoning Commission. They state we are a conducting "Personal Services Frequently in a Residential Zoned Neighborhood". If you look up the Personal Services, yes, they mention Wedding Services (which we offer), but when you look at the intent of the ordinance we do NOT have rotating customers on the premises all day long and all year long. We absolutely do NOT do them frequently either. They only part that is true is we are in a Residential Zoned Neighborhood. If we can not work this out thru DPP, we will appeal to the Zoning board, where there is already precedence set for a wedding venue and services in a residential neighborhood by being a Home Occupation, which we also qualify for 100%. More to follow as we get updates...
City and County issued a "Notice of Violation"
Updated: Dec 7, 2024